This page contains links to experiments/tests in support of Christian Coulon and I's submission to the 2016 Web Audio Conference. A big ‘Thank you’ to the developers of Tone.js and the Web Audio API, without which this work would not have been possible.
Please click on one of the links below to begin running one of the experiments described in the paper. Warning: the experiments take quite a long time to run in full, so you may prefer to let one run for a bit, then return here and try another. Using the experiment IDs generated at runtime, it should be possible to search the results file for any data you generate.
Here is a quick demonstration that Tone.js will load all audio content defined in a sampled instrument, even if certain samples are never required by the Score variable:
versusClick here to download the supporting files for the experiments above. Questions, comments, improved solution? You’re welcome to get in touch.